the 4o7: gateway t0 adventure
n0w 0pen and leasing!
the m0st desirable 200-acres in tennessee!
The 407: Gateway to Adventure is more than 200-acres of premium land located at the main interchange for those traveling to and from Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Sevierville, Tennessee. With the nation’s largest Buc-ee’s Travel Center and a world-renowned resort and entertainment attraction, The 407 is on track to draw nearly 7 million visitors its first year of operation.
the w0rld’s entrance t0 the great sm0ky m0untains
The 407: Gateway to Adventure is the primary entrance to the nation’s most-visited National Park – The Great Smoky Mountains. More than 14 million visitors travel to East Tennessee every year and the vast majority of them travel through The 407 to get there.

the must-see first st0p 0n y0ur vacati0n
The 407: Gateway to Adventure is a unique themed property featuring world-renowned attractions, amazing retail, wonderful restaurants, and breathtaking hotels and resorts.